COSMOS/FloWorks is the first easy to use fluid flow simulation and thermal analysis program that is fully embedded inside SolidWorks. Understand, validate and improve new product ideas during the design phase … not after!! Developed for engineers by engineers,COSMOS/FloWorks gives you insight into the physical dynamics of parts or assemblies related to the flow of gas,liquid, heat transfer and forces on immersed or surrounding solids.Using COSMOS/FloWorks,you can optimize the quality of your SolidWorks designs, save resources by conducting tests on virtual prototypes,shorten time to market by creating better designs faster,and reduce outsourcing.
COSMOS/EMS is a 3D-field simulator for low frequency electromagnetic/electromechanical applications. COSMOS/EMS combines a high level of functionality and accuracy with ease-of-use, and is applicable in a wide variety of designs.
COSMOS/EMS is based on the powerful Finite Element Method (FEM), which solves the physical equations directly without any simplifications or assumptions. It is designed to help you gain physical insight into the performance of your designs through the computation of important parameters such as: torques, forces, fields, currents, inductances, capacitances, flux linkages, current losses and electrical stresses. And, COSMOS/EMS is fully integrated with COSMOS/DesignSTAR.
COSMOS/EMS is applicable for a wide variety of analyses and is extremely flexible. No matter what design you are creating, you can eliminate weaknesses utilizing COSMOS/EMS in the product development cycle can help you build a better product in less time.
COSMOS/EMS contains the following modules:
- Electrostatic and Electric Conduction ;
- Magnetostatic ;
- Transient Magnetic * (in a future release).
COSMOS/EMS can be used as an add-on solution to COSMOS/Works or COSMOS/DesignSTAR.
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